Isolated mountain vineyards
Right from the beginning, Maximo Abete’s commitment to rehabilitating the vines at the natural site of “Vallervitos” in the Guerinda Mountains at San Martin de Unx, made sense of our project.
Vallervitos is an area of rugged terrain, where access is difficult and the plots require a very demanding viticulture. Mechanising the vineyard’s tasks isn’t always easy – or profitable – and at times, difficult to justify. Despite the challenges we believe the effort is a fair price in exchange for a privileged environment.

“To create wines with personality a unique landscape is necessary”
– Máximo Abete –
Guerinda Mountains
The Guerinda Mountains mark the foothill of the Pyrenees. These Mountains mark the change in Navarra. To the South lie Ebro Valley’s large plains. To the Northwest the Pyrenees. The hilly, mid-mountain topography at their base has marked the landscape of our sub-zone, called Baja Montaña (Low Mountain). This is a subarea within the Denomination of Origin Navarra, D.O. Navarra. The mountainous terrain also marks the viticulture of our hometown, San Martin de Unx.
El carácter que le aportan el suelo, la altitud y la enorme cantidad de vegetación espontánea que rodea nuestras viñas aisladas; es sin duda la seña de identidad de nuestro proyecto y nuestros vinos.
The character provided by the soil, altitude and the spontaneous plants that grow in and around our isolated vineyards mark out our project and wines for greatness.
With every vintage produced, every vineyard added in the mountain and more Grenache in our vines we become more and more convinced that Grenache is the grape variety that best expresses our unique terroir.
"Up here, in these areas in between paths, the altitude, the rugged terrain … it’s complicated and costly to cultivate vines.
You have to believe in what you’re doing."
– Juanma –
We feel passionate about expressing the singularities of our area

San Martín de Unx
D.O. Navarra
North of Spain

Sub-zone “Baja Montaña”
Guerinda Mountains
650m altitude

Mediterranean Continental Climate
Oceanic and mountain influence
“Cierzo” North Wind

Mountain Viticulture
Small and isolated plots
Wild environment

Limestone soil
Sandstone rock
Sandy Loam texture

Great Biodiversity
Aromatic Plants
Mediterranean Vegetation

65% Grenache
Old Vines from 1914

Organic and Sustainable Viticulture

Technical Collaboration:
Viticultura Viva
Vines at the Guerinda Mountains.
Isolated plots. Wild and nature landscape.
Aromatic plants in the vineyard: fennel, rosemary, lavander.
Old Vines Micro-plots.
San Martin de Unx landscape, Navarra’s Mountain area.
Soil profile.